Sunday, December 2, 2018

100 Years of Bauhaus

The opening festival celebrating 100 years of Bauhaus will take place from the 16th-24th of January in 2019 at the Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin. The festival will include various activities such as concerts, installations, theatrical performances and films. The aim of the festival is to rediscover the principles of Bauhaus, the most influential current in modern design.

Major cities from all over the world will be holding exhibitions at the festival. The Bauhaus archive in Berlin has the largest collection of Bauhaus style art, furniture etc. Their exhibition will focus on the connection between unique Bauhaus pieces and those which are mass produced.

Artists from all over the world have been invited by the artistic director Bettina Wagner-Bergelt. In addition to all the activities, the festival will include lectures and workshops run by prominent artists for anyone who would like to take part.

Bauhaus began in Weimar Germany in 1919 as not only a style but a physical school. It was shut down during the reign of the Nazi regime, however its staff continued to spread the ideology as they emigrated to different parts of the world. The school then reopened after the Second World War. The Bauhaus movement focuses on a style that is stripped from all ornamentation and focuses on the practical and functional. The design style emphasizes primary colours and shapes and embodies geometric purity. According to it’s principles, there must be complete harmony between the object and it’s design.

The work of traditional figures Oskar Schlemmer, Wassily Kandinsky, László Moholy-Nagy, Paul Klee and others will be celebrated through new interpretations and explorations of Bauhaus.

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